Cigarettes and Scratchcards - How Should I Say This

How Should I Say This is an insight into the mindset of Manchester’s own Cigarettes and Scratchcards. Cigs’ writing style is orientated heavily around social observations and the state of dystopia in which we live.

This piece serves as a dual narrative of the trials and tribulations of the artist, and many of the common themes that are mirrored amongst other members of the working class and what they may go through in their lifetime, whether that be financial struggles, souls being “trapped on the pavements” under the illusion of better things and a life of crime, addictions and means to keep people limited to their station.

The commentary is very refreshing and important to the modern rap scene and makes a stark change from the glamorisation of drugs , sex and violence which have become so normalised in both our music scene and society broadly. 

Cigs comes from a background of rap and electronic music, the instrumental can be interpreted as a melancholic yet upbeat garage beat, the instrumental in itself is also a commentary on society, as where on the surface there is a sombre state of affairs, however as expressed in the closing line “That’s up to us to realise who we are and what we can do when we unite and become one” there is also a rather empowering and motivating element to being a member of the working class and our sense of community us unrivalled.

The Instrumental is also demonstrative of the artist’s own affinity with the UK music scene, particularly the grime scene and early garage with a different vocal delivery style.

Cigarettes and Scratchcards

Cigarettes and Scratchcards - How Should I Say This

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