Jack Light x Shadow of Light - Mirror, Mirror

It’s been a mega long time since Jack Light released an EP, six years in fact. He’s had a crazy journey over the past few years and it’s been an incredible period of growth for him. Jack has dived into streaming, EDM, influencer management and even battle rapping, but he always finds himself drawn back to Hip Hop.

Jack Light and Shadow of Light are excited to present their new EP ‘Mirror, Mirror‘. It’s been a long time coming and they’ve narrowed dozens of tracks down to five. This project is a reflective and somewhat self assessment of Jack’s life so far. He’s given up alcohol, become completely vegan and he says he is starting to see the world in a much more optimistic light. He used to think that it was all about grinding, leaving a legacy and living up to your full potential, but life is too short to work yourself into the ground. Instead Jack focuses on the people around him, creating memories and trying to spread a bit of love and happiness in all situations he finds himself in.

A quote that has kept him going through the last few years is, “as much as you can, choose whatever you’ll regret the least“. This is so poignant to Jack as he spent his 20’s wanting to please other people and pretending to be someone he’s not. When asked about his past he stated, “I never regret anything I do or have done as it’s made me who I am now, but when facing decisions I like to act on what I will regret least in the long run“. 

Jack also requests that you, “Please take 20 minutes to listen to the project. You can enjoy it in your car, on a run or however you feel. If the words and music can make you feel something or relate, then I know I’ve done my job“.

Track List:

1. Adonis
2. Sunshine and Rain ft. Redrum Music
3. Balloons and a Bong
4. Same Again
5. My Stories ’22 ft. Theo Georgiou

Jack Light

Shadow of Light

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