Blackowt Ents

Blackowt Movement – New Members

Blackowt Entertainment will like to give notice that Orlando's own RESADEW and Fort Lauderdale's KLEP have recently join the family. Look out for new music by both. Also be on the look out for mix tapes by CHURD and YOUNG CUTTY coming soon. KASH will also be releasing never heard tracks.


Campsoul Q&A…

What happens when a group of determined young men have a dream they wish to fulfill and a goal that seems somewhat unreachable? In the case of this story, CampSoul Music was born. Known collectively as CampSoul, the songwriting / music production trio, dropped off a nice interview in my inbox and I had to share it with you. Big beats and catchy grooves are what this group are all about, so peep what they had to say...


A I – Artist Profile

A I formed as a group in the last 2 years, and grew up in South London  where they have been in the studio 24/7 creating a mix tape that they are trying to release in early June. They are hoping to change the style of UK Hip Hop with production from Mouseman, Para Beats, DJ Vex, and Dean Anthony.

Foreign Beggars

Shlomo – Live on Jools Holland [Video]

The Foreign Beggars have to be one of the most universally respected crews out there at the moment. Their human beatboxer Shlomo also has to be one of the best on these shores at what he does. Recently he enthralled a live TV audience with a tremendous display of what an accomplished human beatboxer can acheive with just their vocal chords and a mic.

MC Idea

MC Idea – Biography

Two years ago Idea started spitting truth and thought provoking hip hop, The town of Slough (West london) where he was brought up currently has a small local rap scene. Idea started spitting and joined lots of online forums to elevate his skills.